2020 exam marking scheme

Hello there. Thank you for visiting this page. The marking scheme for the exams you have accessed is available. All you have to do to access the marking scheme is pay Kshs 50 to 0720502479 through Mpesa. Delivery is done via email. Therefore, after paying send your email to the same number for delivery. If you want to access all the papers, you can pay Kshs 500 for all classes from playgroup to class 8 and send your email to the same number for delivery.
Note, it is important to give a description of the papers you have paid for to the same number via SMS. If you wish to have the papers delivered via WhatsApp you can specify and I will send the papers via WhatsApp.

It takes a long time to download many papers, ie, downloading one paper at a time. Therefore, I can save you time by zipping all the questions and answers of your choice then send them via email or WhatsApp as a zipped file. Zipped files are easier to download than single papers.
If you didn’t have an opportunity of accessing the question papers of the provided exams, you can do so by clicking on the link below:

2020 Primary Exam